Book Blogger Returns!!!
I am returning to this Book Blog, started in 2011, with a renewed passion for reading & all things book related.
In the early days of the Pandemic, I had great plans, but like all good intentions most did not go beyond the first month’s hibernation, followed by a few intermittent attempts over these past 5 1/2 months. But lucky for me, I found BookTube and have since enjoyed many happy hours among fellow readers and book lovers.
First, I learned BookTube has its own lingo, but after several months, I now can speak confidently using terms like TBR (To Be Read), DNF (Did Not Finish), Bookshelf Tours (a guided tour of BookTubers' bookshelves), Book Hauls (Whether virtual or in person, book buying), Book Tags (A challenge from one BookTuber to another) by which the reader in accepting the challenge needs to fulfill various criteria in selection of books (usually between 3-5 books). [For instance, 1. Choose a book with "Autumn" in the title or a depiction of Autumn on the cover, 2. Choose a book written by a Peruvian author or takes place in Peru, 3. Choose a Non-Fiction book with a cat on the cover], Reading Vlog (Little videos of BookTuber reading.) It sounds boring, but surprisingly, with the high production value, good editing and some nice music in the background, they can be a relaxing diversion.
I must have surfed hundreds of BookTuber channels on YouTube, until I settled on some favorites, and became a regular viewer. I hope you will check out these talented folks and reach out to me with your thoughts. So in no particular order my favorite BookTubers:
Books on the Go with Anna Baillie-Karas (Australia) YouTube: Books on the Go
Located in Adelaide, South Australia, Anna writes a Book Blog, at Books on the Go
as well as co-hosts a Podcast (Apple Podcast: Books on the Go) with Amanda Hayes and Annie Waters. Listening to Anna is like having a conversation with one of your smartest friends. I love that she inclines towards diversity, while introducing viewers to Australian writers and Australian life. Anna is soft-spoken and yet quite passionate about the written word. You can also find Anna on Instagram at Anna Baillie-Karas - Books on the Go.
Savidge Reads with Simon Savidge (UK) YouTube: Savidge Reads. To be precise, there is not a video produced by Simon I would not watch. Longtime blogger, BookTuber, book reviewer, interviewer, former judge of literary awards and a professional in the publishing industry, Simon knows his stuff and boy can he communicate. Simon receives many a box of reviewer copies of soon-to-be released works from UK publishing companies. Yet, like many of the other BookTubers he still loves a good book haul from favorite booksellers with lovely editions of books he may already have on his shelves. Even with text he doesn't like, he'll often say "I didn't get on with this one, but someone else might". Not a hint of dispersion, but he has definite opinions and they are well-thought out. He'll often refer to himself as "Sugar Bear" the nickname his friends gave him, which inspired the lovely tattoo on his arm. Simon regularly records videos from his singularly well-decorated home which he shares with his husband, Chris. Sometimes we are treated to a video of his lovely garden, where one of his several cats is taking in the sun, or even on occassion to the bath where Simon combines a good soak and a good read (nothing risque to see here, Simon remains submerged with only his head and book showing). Simon's mum, a teacher of classic Greek literature is a regular guest on his videos. As charming as her son, deeply knowledgeable and a great reader herself, it isn't hard to see the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Simon and English TV presenter/model, the gorgeous Melanie Sykes have formed the Sykes/Savidge Book Club. Listening to these two adorable Northerners chat on is plain fun and more often than not hilarious. You can follow Melanie Sykes at Instagram: Ms. Melanie Sykes. Have I gushed enough? Bottom line - Simon is fab and you should check him out. Simon can be found at Instagram: Savidge Reads, and at WordPress Blog: Savidge Reads.
Mercy's Bookish Musings (UK) YouTube: Mercy's Bookish Musings
Mercedes reminds me of myself some 30 years ago, so naturally I like her a lot. A serious young woman, with a good mind, strong opinions and undeniably genuine. There is no BS with Mercedes - she absolutely tells it like it is and makes no bones about it. Another diverse reader, who devours contemporary fiction, YA (Young Adult), books in series and romance. Mercedes wastes little time with fancy video technique, and it is not missed. Her insightful thoughts elegantly, if definitively, expressed are more than enough to hold your interest. A veteran BookTuber, Mercedes could give lessons to many a young corporate executive on being an effective speaker. You can also follow Mercedes Goodreads: Mercy's Bookish Musings.
Book Break with Emma Oulton/Pan Macmillan (UK) YouTube: Book Break
Emma shines with enthusiasm and abundant joy that quite literally burst through the screen. She is a thorough master of the art of the video. BookTubers tend to be 20-somethings in the early days of career, and Emma is just that. Her reviews cover a wide swath of genres among which contemporary fiction, YA (Young Adult), fantasy, science fiction get their fair share of screen time. Emma also manages the occasional classic and many of the long & short listed books up for literary awards. Pan Macmillan, who produces this BookTube channel and by whom Emma is employed, features regularly in book hauls and book packages received either in physical boxes of books or electronically. Emma's book reviews are generally spot-on, as well as her recommendations.
Drinking By My Shelf YouTube: Drinking by my Shelf is Emma's personal and more relaxed channel, where over a nice glass or two of wine she discusses her recent reads, or books recently added to her TBR . You can find Emma via Instagram at Drink by my Shelf
Jasmine's Reads - Jasmine Allen (UK) YouTube: Jasmine's Reads
With a university degree and a strong interest in Philosophy, Jasmine is not afraid to tackle some heavy reads, along with recently published fiction, non-fiction, poetry collections and fantasy. Jasmine, like many of her BookTube contemporaries has a dazzling array of titles on the shelves seen directly behind her as she chats about her latest favorites and some not so favorite reads. You can also find Jasmine on Jasmine's Reads on Goodreads.
Jen Campbell (London, UK) YouTube: Jen Campbell
An award winning author, book reviewer and extremely popular BookTuber with close to 57,000 YouTube subscribers. She is just plain fun to watch and listen to. Jen's debut book "The Beginning of the World in the Middle of the Night" was published by Two Roads and her children's title's include "Franklin's Flying Bookshop", "Franklin and Luna Go to the Moon" and "Franklin and Luna and the Book of Fairy Tales" were published by Thames & Hudson. Jen has also authored the bestselling "Weird Things Customers Say in Bookshops" series. As you might guess she is an afficionado of fairy tales and ancient myths. Jen let's you into her world where she delights in baking and has a flare for fashion (she wears an array of beautiful headscarves) -- proving herself adept in more than literature. You can find Jen at Goodreads and Jen Campbell on Instagram at Jen Campbell Website.
Lauren Wade (London, UK) YouTube: Lauren Wade - Reads & Daydreams
Lauren was my gateway to the world of Booktubers. I searched YouTube for London self-guided walking tours and stumbled upon Lauren. With a talent for making marvelous little films (vlogs), Lauren is warm and welcoming, sharing daily life in her flat to weekend getaways in the countryside (Yes, she always brings a book). Lauren reads many genres including contemporary fiction, non-fiction, poetry, plays, fantasy. During a read-a-thon, I have watched Lauren plow through several books in the contemporary London flat she shares with her husband, Will. With panoramic views of the London skyline from their little balcony, these darling newlyweds lounge and read the day away. Will, who collects classic Penguin paperbacks, seems a tad shyer than his ever energetic bride. Besides a full-time career, reading voraciously, running, and vlogging, she also manages to study classical ballet. Aaah, youth. You can't go wrong with Lauren's reading recommendations. You can also follow Lauren at Instagram: Lauren Wade, as well as Goodreads.
Bookish Islander, Juan Jose Ramos (Canary Islands, Spain) YouTube: Bookish Islander
Juan no longer considers himself a BookTuber since he has eschewed many of the aspects BookTube life like TBRs or Book Hauls, in place of in depth discussions of classic texts or literary fiction. His stand alone reviews give his followers a deep analysis of some difficult books, along with historical content in which to frame the work. Juan dives into the work of authors from around the globe without the need of translation. This multi-lingual content creator, speaks English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Catalan and Italian making his one of the most diverse channels on YouTube. Juan can be followed on Goodreads: Juan Jose Ramos - Bookish Islander and on Instagram: Bookish Islander.
Claire Fenby (London, UK) YouTube: Claire Fenby
Claire seems to me a cross between Sally Bowles of Cabaret fame (for you readers that would be Christopher Isherwood's "I am a Camera") and Julia Flyte (the object of Charles Ryder's affection in Evelyn Waugh's "Brideshead Revisited" ). Claire is a classics specialist who works in London's publishing industry. With a Masters degree and a deep love for literature, Claire is passionate about not just reading but acquiring gorgeous Penguin English Library classics editions. A tour of Claire's bookshelves is a treat for anyone who appreciates a beautifully published special edition. Claire is also known to take her viewers on scenic journeys about London and beyond. Besides YouTube, you can find Claire on Instagram at Claire Fenby.
Rose Mannering (London, UK) YouTube: Rose Mannering
Author and travel afficionado, currently renovating a lovely London cottage which you can follow on Instagram: Little London Cottage. Rose has written YA (young adult) novels "Roses" and "Feathers", 2 parts of a planned triology. She has also written 2 childrens books, "Boo's Beard" and "The Spotty Dotty Daffodil". All her books are published by Sky Pony and can be found on Amazon. You can find Rose at Rose's Website and Goodreads: Rose Mannering (G.R. Mannering).
Better Than Food (Portland, OR) Clifford Lee Sargent YouTube: Better Than Food With over 90,000 subscribers to his YouTube channel, Sargent is a Star in the BookTube world. Older and perhaps more serious than the average BookTuber, Sargent is all about good writing, and his videos feel like a graduate seminar. Expertly edited videos, with Sargent's ability to dissect challenging texts and his own singular personae draw in those seeking discussions on weighty texts. To defer the cost of creating high value videos, several BookTubers, like Sargent, subscribe to Patreon for Artists and Creators, which allow followers, for a minimal fee, special access to videos not available to the general public, newsletters from favorite BookTubers, and eligibility for giveaways from the creator you follow. Here is Sargent's page on Patreon: Better Than Food. You can also find Sargent on Instagram: Better Than Food. As a bonus for his Patreon subscribers, Sargent, at the end of each video, reaches into a jar to pull the name of one lucky Patreon supporter, who will receive coffee ground specially by the man himself and sometimes a copy of the book he's just reviewed.
3 books from Sharon Ewell Foster, "Passing by Samaria", "Riding Through Shadows", "Ain't No River" and "Cry, the Beloved Country" by Alan Paton on Audible read by Michael York.
Will share my thoughts on these books in upcoming blog post.
Until next time friends.
A Favorite Quote
"This is my doctrine: Give every other human being every right you give yourself." - Robert G. Ingersoll, The Liberty of Man, Woman, Child.
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